Each year the Gender Relations Center has several annual events for LGBTQ and Ally students, such as the Welcome Back Picnic, StaND Against Hate Week, Ally Week, and LGBTQ Graduation Reception. All educational and social events will be advertised on the Gender Relations Center Events Page.
Welcome Back Picnic
Each Fall the Gender Relations Center host a welcome back picnic for LGBTQ and Ally students. This social event is open to all students as a chance to meet and connect with others across the Notre Dame community.
Ally Week
The Gender Relations Center collaborates to host the annual Ally Week, aiming to focus on how members of the Notre Dame community can help make our campus one that is welcoming of all, regardless of difference. Within the Notre Dame community, allies are imperative in helping to create a safe and inclusive campus community, where all may flourish and feel welcome, one in which the human dignity of each person is valued. This is most often accomplished through people being knowledgeable of resources, supportive of all students, and willing to dialogue across difference.
LGBTQ Graduation Reception
Each May the Gender Relations Center honors the achievements of graduating LGBTQ and Ally students at the LGBTQ Graduation Reception.